

I know who is stealing the political signs of the losing candidates.  You can know too.

I’ve heard a lot about political signs disappearing from the streets of Evergreen as election day gets nearer.  Maybe it happens elsewhere too. But I’ve heard this for at least the last 12 years about political signs in Evergreen.  I too have wondered why do I not see the signs of yesterday and how this can be happening?  I mean.  The signs that disappear are always the signs of the losing candidates. I cannot believe that that is pure coincidence.

It’s not hard to deduce who is behind this.  You just need to drill it down:

1.  This is not ad hoc behavior.  It is a planned, consistent activity based on the election cycle.

2.  It’s not going to be the political candidates as they change every election cycle.  They don’t have time to learn every election cycle how to pick up the signs.  It is going to be some group with years of experience that has access to lots of volunteers and/or money to pay a little for the ‘pickup’ service.  I wouldn’t be surprised that the people picking up the signs don’t even know it is illegal. But their bosses know.

3. Ask:   ‘Who has a lot of money invested in political ads to oppose  candidates they don’t support? Just review the attacks ads, attack mailers and the like that you receive or see on TV or  online?  These groups have a lot to lose if their candidates lose so they have incentive to ‘go the extra mile’ as it were.

4.   You can remove your skepticism by reviewing whose signs are disappearing.  One can be certain they are the signs of candidates not supported by this heavily invested organization or organizations if they are in cahoots with others.

5.  At this point, I suggest the FBI or the Federal Elections Commission or whoever is the local responsible entity investigate this using a little more sophisticated police research technique.  They should be able to resolve this in less than a week.  It is not rocket science and a lot of people know.

6.  I assume their are heavy fines and penalties for interfering in elections in this way.  But I am not necessarily interested in a financial or penal retribution.  I would prefer that the legal authorities make public who the leaders are behind this activity and find a way to keep them away from us.

7.   I would like to participate in public demonstrations with all Evergreen residents at their offices and headquarters and their Board meetings to interrupt their daily business routines in the same way as they have interfered in our free election process. And I would like the legal authorities to remind this organization that they should not protest our activities as we are only showing them what they have been doing to the Evergreen public over many years.  It’s a “we the people” thing which is probably something they wouldn’t understand.

The Voter wants to believe in a free and open election process.  Candidates have the right and the responsibility to make their positions known, to communicate with the public so we can make our decisions. All candidates should be allowed to articulate their candidacy as well as publicly speak.  That’s not rocket science either.

8.  It is quite possible that the election outcomes would be the same.  Maybe not.  Needless to say, it should be the voter who decides who wins without the manipulation of these other entities.  

9.  Lets get this monkey off our backs so we don’t have to comment at the approaching election day:  “Whatever happened to the signs out there?”.  I want to join you in saying: “That was a fair and open election process.  May they all be like that!”

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