Who Needs Religion?
Religion today is an ‘optional extra’ in life. An unnecessary optional extra at that. That’s how it seems by the way people are living today.
Don’t get me wrong. Many will say they believe in God but there is little substance beyond the claim. ‘Hunger and thirst for God’ usually gets translated into personal self development, recreation, and wealth building in its various forms. These are all at the top of life’s priority list. Always have been.
Everyone is so busy and focused on getting the most out of life. How about a nice home? Rewarding work? Recreation? We also have that something called happiness and the ‘fulfilling life’ that is always just slightly out of grasp. Maybe we will grasp it today? Or tomorrow?
So most silently answer the religion option with a simple rhetorical question, ‘Who needs it?’ I have a different answer for that question: You do.
Religion leads down the road of success. That’s right. Humans burn up hours looking for the fun and meaning in life. Any Bartender will tell you that. Religion on the other hand, points you straight into the direction of fun and meaning. Nothing else can pull together focus, purpose, commitment, good judgement, character, integrity, honesty, value relationships, love, peace, joy and the ability to recognize truth and use it to your benefit. There is no Business owner, employer, prospective husband or wife, friend, voter who doesn’t want to be surrounded by someone made of these ingredients. That person can be trusted. That person has something to teach and show and share! Get the right mix and life is filled with lots of fun and meaning and real friends. Happiness is always the biproduct.
Religion also helps you get what you need out of life. No pretense. No trial packages. Only the real thing. Religion begins with the premise that your life is significant, extremely significant, more than significant. Underlines it. No science tells you about your significance and the ‘why’ of your significance. Only religion can and does do that.
People don’t realize that Your life is the story line of religion. Your story line is as good as any story book you read, TV program you see or radio mystery you hear (if you ever hear one). The difference is that you are writing your life thriller with every breath.
Your life thriller doesn’t sound so exciting? There is nothing wrong with the Actor. The problem is with the script. Try the religion one with God in it. It is much more thrilling, filled with surprises at every twist and turn. And even the most tragic experience can have a happy ending.
It’s a shame that so many people pay the highest price to get the most out of life and miss the key ingredient.
Who needs religion? It is so obvious. We do.