gift donations

Explore Our Donation Packages

A small contribution to our cause can go a long way to help the community. Tithings and offerings of every size contribute to the vision Pastor John has laid out in the Grace Church of Evergreen mission statement

We have big plans for Grace Church in the future. We want to grow our congregation and offer more services that continue impacting the lives of those around us.

Covid presented many challenges for small churches such as ours, yet we remain steadfast and unwavering. Our mission is to remain an important member of the Evergreen community in San Jose, CA.

Vision 23 Campaign for Grace

Support Grace Church Vision 2023 as it strengthens the present and ensures figure programs for adults, preschoolers, youths, music instruction, education, and community-based programs.

Make A Gift - Receive a Gift

Make a gift to Grace Church of Evergreen for $100 or more and receive a gift. We know some people enjoy receiving something in return when they contribute to a cause, so we’ve put together various packages for those who are interested.

If you prefer to simply donate and receive no gift at all, feel free to donate via our donation page.

Personal Info

Donate quickly and securely with Stripe

How it works: A Stripe window will open after you click the Donate Now button where you can securely make your donation. You will then be brought back to this page to view your receipt.

Donation Total: $100

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